Am 11.07.2012 um 09:35 schrieb MANUEL GONZALEZ SUAREZ:
Hi My name is Manuel Gonzalez and I am a teacher of Classical Greek at the University of Oviedo (Spain). So far I've been using LaTeX but recently I have discovered the extraordinary possibilities of ConTeXt. However, I have continuously problems which I solved as I can (I'm a complete newbie and I do not know the details of programming languages). Well, theproblem is the following: I want to make an interactive document and I copy the code that appears in "Context an excursion", page 65, but did not appear in the final document navigation tools, such as EXIT, STOP, etc.. What could be the cause?
\setuplayout [width=12cm, rightedge=2cm] \setupinteraction [state=start, menu=on] \setupinteractionmenu [right] [state=start, align=middle, background=screen, frame=on, width=broad, style=smallbold, color=] \startinteractionmenu[right] \startbut [content] Content \stopbut \startbut [index] Index \stopbut \vfill \startbut [ExitViewer] Stop \stopbut \stopinteractionmenu \starttext \completecontent %\showframe \dorecurse{4} {\chapter{Chapter #1}\index{chapter #1} \input knuth\page} \completeindex \stoptext Wolfgang