Hello folks, I am using an image to embed the logo at the top of the document. The background of my document is gray, and when I render the document, the logo shows up with a white background, over the gray background. Something similar to the \frame command. My logo image was converted from PSD (Photoshop PSD) to PDF, and I have preserved the tranparent background so that I could layer it over a background and it picks the background color instead of the white background. How do I embed my image in the document so that the background stays the background color of the document? What am I doing wrong? \def\FuxionLogo% {\externalfigure[FT_LogoV2][height=1.5\headerheight]} \definelogo [fuxion logo] [top] [middle] [command=\FuxionLogo,state=start] \setuppapersize[A4][A4] \setuppagenumbering [location={bottom,middle}] \setupcolors [state=start] \definehead[title][title] \setuphead [title] [textstyle=cap, before=\hairline, after=\hairline] \setupinterlinespace [big] \setuplayout [width=middle, height=middle] \starttext \setupbackgrounds [page] [background=color, backgroundcolor=gray] Another question I have is regarding the positioning of the logo. The logo is really close to the top. I want it to have a space at the top. How do I achieve this? Thanks in advance, Fidel.