Dear gang, consider the following: \setuppapersize[A6][A6] \setuplayout [width=middle, height=middle, backspace=3cm, margin=1.5cm, location=doublesided] \starttext This nation, \inouter{1}turning 100 years old, had no {\em Odyssey}, no St.~George slaying the dragon, no Prometheus. The emerging American genius for making a lot of money was a poor substitute for King Arthur and his knights (although the Horatio Alger myth of rags to riches was good for a lot of mileage). Without a mythology and set of ancient heroes to call its own, America had to manufacture its heroes. So the mythmaking machinery of nineteenth|-|century American media created a suitable heroic archetype in the cowboys of the Wild West. The image was of the undaunted cattle drivers living a life of reckless individualism, braving the elements, staving off brutal Indian \inouter{2}attacks. Or of heroic lawmen dueling with six|-|guns in the streets at high noon. This artificial Wild West became America's Iliad. This nation, turning 100 years old, had no {\em Odyssey}, no St.~George \inouter{3}slaying the dragon, no Prometheus. The emerging American genius for making a lot of money was a poor substitute for King Arthur and his knights (although the Horatio Alger myth of rags to riches was good for a lot of mileage). Without a mythology and set of ancient heroes to call its own, America had to manufacture its heroes. \stoptext The \inouter{2} is typeset in the INNER margin, both in mkiv and mkii. I assume that's because the paragraph it's in starts on an odd page. Is there any setup command to change this behavior? Or is this the expected behavior? I looked into page-mar.mkiv, but couldn't find anything... All best Thomas