Hi, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
special characters: explain e.g. \{ and \[ (3) That brings me to a thing I miss a lot. My LaTeX book had in the end a few pages with special characters, which is the main reason I still look in it.
I'd like to see - preferably at the last pages of the manual so one finds them quickly in the printed version: - somewhere: -, --, ---, |-| etc. - somewhere: \/ (German example: Auf\/lage) to prevent the ligature - \dots - How to enter: $ & % # { } \ (esp. the "\") - text mode accents \'o \type{\'o} (maybe mention \oaccute as well?) \SS\ \type{\SS} and text mode symbols \copyright, \S, ... - mention that for different languages some additional methods exists (e.g. de "u -> ü, "s -> ß; or for Greek; or ...) - mathematical input Math accents Greek Symbols Maybe also AMS Symbols In short I mean basically the following tables from "\LATEX Kurzbeschreibung" (http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/german/l2kurz.pdf): - Page 19, Table 4 (accents and special letters) and Table 5 (symbols) - page 32ff, Table 6 (math accents), Table 7 (small Greek letters), Table 8 (capital Greek letters), Table 9 (further symbols), Table 10 ("big" operators), Table 11 (binary operators), Table 12 (relations), Table 13 (negated relations), Table 14 (arrows) and Table 15 (braces) Tobias