On Sun, 6 Mar 2011, Curiouslearn wrote:
I am making some slides using the Swoosh style in simpleslides module. I wanted to reveal some content sequentially.
simpleslides does not support stepwise presentation of material. I occasionally use the following macros for quick and dirty stepwise effects. This is for really simple material (no counters, no glues ...) \usemodule[simpleslides][style=Swoosh] \def\StartSteps#1#2\StopSteps% {\dorecurse{#1}{\long\setvalue{\recurselevel}{\gobble}} \dorecurse{#1}{\long\setvalue{\recurselevel}{\oneofone} #2}} \long\def\gobble#1{} \long\def\oneofone#1{#1} \starttext \StartSteps{3} \SlideTitle{Context can be used for \dots} \null \startitemize[n] \2{\item Writing your articles} \3{ \item Making slides for presentations } \stopitemize \StopSteps \stoptext