I think I forget something in the installation procedure because the result is not what I can see on the original pdf "http://www.ntg.nl/eurotex/burnus.pdf" You somehow seem to have used the presentation style "pre-green" ("pre-02", "s-pre-02.tex") whereas I have used "pre-fuzzy" (alias
Hi, David MARSAL wrote: pre-05, s-pre-05.tex). Since pre-green uses Lucida Bright fonts which are not free, this causes the font problems which are probably your problem. Can you try to use \definefilesynonym [font-lbr] [font-cmr] (which should use Computer Modern fonts instead) or \usemodule[pre-05] instead of \usemodule[pre-fuzzy] (which should actually be the same; pre-fuzzy doesn't use "lbr" but "cmr"). Tobias PS: The file you attached is not exactly the same as on the NTG page, a '>' crept in after line 231 (after \Subject{Other \MATHML\ renderers: Mozilla}), but this shouldn't cause the problems. -- This above all: To thine own self be true / And it must follow as the night the day / Thou canst not then be false to any man.