Em 03/11/2009, às 6:24, Hans Hagen escreveu:
batela wrote:
Em 03/11/2009, às 8:43, Taco Hoekwater escreveu:
batela wrote:
Dear Sirs
I would like to include some macros from http://melusine.eu.org/syracuse/poulecl/macros in my luatex documents. Every time i try to include a new example (from papier.mp, par example) i found this old error message:; texnum.mp Unable to make mpx file.
init_numbers(btex $-$ etex, btex$$etex, btex ${\times}$10etex
The mplib core (and luatex, by extension) does not have support for btex ... etex constructs, but I think there is special code in context mkiv to handle such cases?
thanks, but i'm afraid that I'm not able to find the solution. Perhaps some day anybody will be able to play with syrasuse macros in luatex documents.
as the whole site is a mix of french and latex and i'm not fluent in either of them ... can you give a small example?
what happens if you don't load the mpnum package (or whatever it's called)
In the file papiers2.mp I have deactivated input format (changed to %input format) In the modules donymodule.mp and geometriesyr16.mp I changed all the btex something etex constructs to " something ". In the modules papiers2.mp and donymodule.mp I have deactivated the init_numbers function (init_numbers changed to %init_numbers ) Now all seems to work. thanks Jorge