MANUEL GONZALEZ SUAREZ via ntg-context schrieb am 16.12.2021 um 20:15:
Hi all:
In the example below:
\newdimen\Margin \Margin=2cm \newdimen\MarginRaise \MarginRaise=56ex
\startsetups[text a] \raise\MarginRaise\hbox{\vtop{\hsize=\Margin% \startalignment[right] \getmarking[chapter] \stopalignment }} \stopsetups
\startsetups[text b] \raise\MarginRaise\hbox{\vtop{\hsize=\Margin% \startalignment[left] \getmarking[section] \stopalignment }} \stopsetups
\definemeasure [MarginWidth] [2cm] \definemeasure [MarginRaise] [56ex] \defineframed [MarginBlock] [frame=off, width=\measure{MarginWidth}, height=max, offset=0pt, boffset=\measure{MarginRaise}, align={inner,lohi}] \startsetups[text a] \startframed[MarginBlock] \getmarking[chapter] \stopframed \stopsetups \startsetups[text b] \startframed[MarginBlock] \getmarking[section] \stopframed \stopsetups
How can I avoid the last page of the first chapter that appears in the PDF (page 4 in my output) before starting the new chapter?
Chapters start by default on a right page when you use a doublesided layout, to change this behavior set a different value to the page key. \setuphead [chapter] [page=yes] Wolfgang