On 7/12/06, Paul Hoffman wrote:
The example on the _Fonts in XeTeX_ page in the wiki works fine except for small caps, which (not surprisingly) don't show up in this first attempt:
\definetypeface[bembo][rm][Xserif][Bembo Std] \setupbodyfont[bembo] \starttext Bembo {\bf Bembo} {\it Bembo} {\sc Bembo} Bembo. \stoptext
[minimal fix] In type-xtx.tex add the following line: \definefontsynonym[DummyCaps]['\typescripttwo:mapping=tex-text;+smcp'][encoding=uc] and change this one: \definefontsynonym[SerifCaps] [DummyCaps] Hans, can you please do that in the distribution as well? (actually this should either be changed/added all over the place in that file or some more general interface should be provided which would process the "caps" option automatically) Mojca