i want to produce a gradient header i tried this code but it does not produce any result: \startext \def\Mystyle#1{\startMPcode picture tt ; tt := lmt_outline [ kind = "path", text = "#1", ] ; fill for i within tt : pathpart i && endfor cycle withshademethod "linear" withshadedirection up withshadecolors (red, blue) ; \stopMPcode } \definehead[Myhead][section] \setuphead[Myhead][ style=\Mystyle, ] \startMyhead[title=sample] a sample text \stopMyhead \stoptext and the code below works but does not colorize numbers of this heads: \starttext \def\Mystyle#1{\startMPcode picture tt ; tt := lmt_outline [ kind = "path", text = "#1", ] ; fill for i within tt : pathpart i && endfor cycle withshademethod "linear" withshadedirection up withshadecolors (red, blue) ; \stopMPcode } \def\startMysection#1{\startsection[title=\Mystyle{#1}]} \def\stopMysection{\stopsection} \startMysection{hello} what is best method? \stopMysection \stoptext what is your suggestion?