11 Feb
11 Feb
5:09 a.m.
Hello, I just looked up how to enable repeated headers in \starttabulate… \stoptabulate tables. It's explained here: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Tabulate#Headers …but I am unable to make the minimal example work: \starttext \placetable[split,here][tab:ref]{Sometable} {\starttabulate[|w(.30\textwidth)p|w(.70\textwidth)p|] \HL \NC {\bf Animal} \NC {\bf Comment} \NC\FR \HL \dorecurse{50} {\NC Cat \NC Pretty cool \NC\MR} \NC Bear \NC Kind of lazy \NC\MR \NC Sheep \NC Always hungry \NC\MR \HL \stoptabulate} \stoptext Does that work for anyone else? What am I missing. Thank you, Malte.