Actually the problem was with \luaescapestring. Commit #1544 changes the behaviour of \luaescapestring so that it no longer duplicates characters with catcode 6. Please verify that that does what you want.
Thank you very much! I tried it with the following (simpler) example: %&luatex \directlua0{% texio.write_nl('\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#}}')% texio.write_nl('\luaescapestring{#}')% texio.write_nl('#')% % texio.write_nl(#_VERSION)% A } \bye This is LuaTeX, Version snapshot-0.30.0-2008100718 (Web2C 7.5.7) (MacroParameterCharacter2.tex # # ## ) No pages of output. Transcript written on MacroParameterCharacter2.log. So with \luaescapestring, the `#' is not doubled anymore, without it still is. Although most of the time, strings will be passed to Lua through \luaescapestring, this behaviour still creates problems when `#' is used inside Lua code (as in the commented line A above, where I try to print the length of the _VERSION string); also it is a bit inconsistent. What do you think?
Best wishes, Taco