19 May
19 May
9 a.m.
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Dear lua experts,
For our repository of hyphenation patterns I would like to create a document that: - reads in a file with hyphenation patterns - reads in plain text file (say one word per line) - creates output such as "hy{\nicehyphen}phen{\nicehyphen}ation" for each word
I'm testing eshyph-test.tex by Javier Bezos from http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/language/spanish/hyphen/base/ (trying to run it with ConTeXt :), but I don't understand how exactly the callbacks work. For example, I cannot get the following code to work in ConTeXt (but it works with luatex in TL 09):
IIRC, Hans blocks access to callback.register() to prevent users from destroying ConTeXt internals. Best wishes, Taco