hi thereI'm a member of the Institute of Italian culture in Tbilisi"a non-profit organization focused on coworking, humanism, and social innovation"and we are trying to adopt the well known andgreatly appreciated by melinebreak algorithm of Donald Knuthfor our publishing.Since we are focused mainly on the web (i.e. "internet",not the Knuth's literary language) and since we wantan highly customizable solution, we would like to translateat least the core functionalities of Tex (or better, thelinebreak in itself with some required features related to it,like glyphs, nodes, (fonts) and so on), in some internetscript, like specifically php and javascript (especially thefirst is not excluded, if I remember correctly, amongthe languages you have excluded during the choice ofLua).Our purpose, however, would be to "atomize" as muchas possible the core features of Tex so to make them(as possible) easy understandable and, as possible,usable as "standalone" scripts: this should be truefor the mentioned linebreak but also for the paging(the positioning of paragraphs along the pages)itself. As well as of course for the hyphenationengine.[to be more precise, our version could befocused on XML input and XML output, soto avoid both the markup language ofTex, and the pdf output, not required in theuse on the web since we want to use HTML5]
I have take a look at the -- impressive -- workof Taco Hoekwater, with whom I have exchangedsome messages -- and he directed me to theLua version of linebreak of Hans Hagen.
Now my question, and my proposal to youis the following.I'm willing to make such work, which wouldbe publicly available to you, but I would needdetailed information about how to proceed,so to avoid wasting time in the less pleasanttask for a programmer: to understand the codeof somebody else.As already stated to Taco, I'm a humanist atthe base, however I think that we are all calledto deal with the technical problems posed bythe every day life.