extending the syntax is not a priority; in principle one can write another input language, map the parsed result onto primitives or lua functions etc etc
That's what I'm doing right now: I have extended the use of "#" inside the macro body by transforming the macro body to Lua code using lpeg, compiling this Lua code into a function and calling the function using a glue macro. Example: \deflua\repeat#1#2{% #{for i = 1, tonumber(p1) do}% #(i): #2% #{end}% } This repeats #2 #1 times and prefixes it with the iteration's number. It is transformed to (more or less) the following Lua function: function repeat(p1, p2) for i = 1, tonumber(p1) do tex.sprint(tostring(i), tostring(p2)) end end The macro \repeat then is: \repeat#1#2{% \directlua0{repeat('\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#1}}',% '\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}')}% } Of course, this is slower than a traditional TeX macro.