Hans Hagen
On 12/29/2013 10:10 AM, Khaled Hosny wrote:
On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 01:07:15AM +0000, Philipp Maximilian Stephani wrote:
but honestly, we're not living in the 1960s any more.
No, we are not, but Windows is.
I always wonder why folks need comments like this. I can come up with linux aspects that are 1960.
Actually, any 1960 aspects of Windows are likely to have the same roots as those of Linux: MSDOS1.0 mimicked the open/read/write/fd system calls in addition to those taken from CP/M where the end of string character for some system calls was '$'. Seriously. Since MSDOS gravitated towards being a C based platform (as opposed to its roots in PL/M), it had sort of a split personality from its get-go. Windows NT tried to get rid of some of the CP/M roots, instead borrowing from VMX. So the internals always were a bit floating between different worlds, and not all of the compromises make a whole lot of sense. Linux certainly has more rather than less 1960 roots than Windows, but they are less tangled.
I more and more tend to ignore discussions (and mails) that have this OS bad-this-or-that undertone. (And I've left mailings because of it.) If windows was that bad, then why do desktop builders try to mimick it.
GUI and internals are quite different. And it's mostly a matter of market share: at the time when serious alternatives were not driven off the market by making the office suites (where Microsoft had its actual muscle) ran inferior on them, systems like Nextstep, MacOS and the OS2 (what was its desktop called?, presentation manager?) were favored. What a user is interacting with most of the time is not the desktop environment but rather the applications. And most certainly not the syustem calls.
Much is a matter of getting accustomed to.
Anyway, if at some point utf16 had become the favourite (on linux) we would be in bigger problems as it can have many zero's in strings.
Since strings are then composed of "wide characters", an 8-bit zero is not all that interesting. The whole UTF16 approach in C, namely "wide characters", was pretty much a disaster regarding writing programs. And yes, it's an entirely UNIX/C-born disaster. The escape route of UTF8 was, I think, rather designed in Inferno(?) or some other side project from original UNIX authors. So Microsoft is certainly not responsible for creating the disaster that UTF16 turned out to be. More for embracing it and not letting go of it when the times changed. Windows still does not have a working UTF8 locale IIRC, even though most of the applications use it internally.
At least windows could serve multiple gui languages rather early
so we have to live with some aspects
(large companies wouldn't like sudden changes and want to use programs decades).
That's what locales are for. And Windows did not offer a working UTF8 locale last time I looked.
When on windows one mixes applications in a workflow it is important to make sure that one doesn't get code page translations in the way. Anyoing indeed, but using computers is full of annoyances.
And there are also solutions. Applications like Emacs can work with multiple encodings well. And that means that the primitives for accessing files translate its internal utf-8 based encoding into the "filename encoding". It's perfectly fine that LuaTeX works just in utf-8 internally, but that means that one needs a translation layer (different for different operatings systems) that will, at least when used from within TeX, transparently convert utf-8 to the filename encoding. This layer is pretty much needed for every operating system: most operating systems, even if utf-8 based, also tend to have a "canonical" encoding for potentially composite glyphs. -- David Kastrup