Hi, Jonathan Sauer wrote:
5. Wonder why a .dvi file is created, even though there is no output ;-)
Let me answer this first, as this question is easy: there is an explicit tab character in the input file, here: \def\splitComma#1{% \directlua0{% ^^^^^^^^ Because the minimalistic format does not have plain's \catcode`\^^I=10, that ^^I gets category code 12, and so is typeset (in the \nullfont).
Hypothesis: A bug during format dumping/loading.
(Un)fortunately, I still get the correct output. But there are lots of valgrind warnings while dumping the format, so I will investigate those next. A bug during the format dumping seems most likely.
@Taco: If you cannot reproduce the bug, maybe it is an issue with endianness: Intel processors use little endian, while PPCs (used in the old macs) use big endian.
Wouldn't be the first one, either. Perhaps I should write a funding proposal for ppc hardware. Best wishes, Taco