On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 8:40 PM Marcel Fabian Krüger <
tex@2krueger.de> wrote:
> 1) why 2 files ?
Whenever I checkout the sources from git, svn or the web interface I get files
with UNIX line ending, but some months ago you mentioned that a patch
couldn't be applied because it should have used Windows line endings
instead. Therefore I added a .win version with Windows line endings to
avoid issues but still included the other patch since that's the one I
actually tested locally.
Do you remember the email ? All code should be with UNIX line ending
Sure, I added a zip of the individual patches.
Patches applied, but I don't have variation.c, which is mentioned in luaharfbuzz.am.patch
and so variation.c.patch cannot be applied .