Jonathan Sauer wrote:
My assumption was that everything is catcode 11 or 12 or some other harmless value. \directlua does indeed read the entire braced argument at once.
Thanks for your reply. When coming home yesterday, I experimented a little bit, and the results do not seem to match your answer. In Plain TeX:
\directlua0{% tex.sprint('A')% \directlua0{tex.sprint('B')}% tex.sprint('C')% }
This results in "LuaTeX error [string "luas[0]"]:1: attempt to index global 'Btex' (a nil value)".
Yes, that's what I meant to say (you input is invalid). We have a bit of a communication error, I'm afraid. Do it like this: \let\\\relax \directlua0{% tex.sprint('A')% tex.sprint('\\directlua0{B}')}% tex.sprint('C')% } Best wishes, Taco