Hello, if I understand the svn version of the manual correctly, after hyphenation, character nodes are converted to glyph nodes (BTW: The new section 5 is very good, as it is very detailed). During this step, first ligatures are created, then kerning is applied. Now, LuaTeX uses Unicode internally, but current font need not be Unicode. Given the letter "ä" and a font in OT1-encoding, how would I convert this "ä" to an accented glyph *after* hyphenation has happened (to be able to hyphenate words containing "ä")? I looked into the manual, but found only two callbacks for inserting ligatures and kerning, not for converting characters to glyphs (incidentally, the documentation for these callbacks is very meager). Is this done using one of the font tables? If so, how do I set it up correctly? Thanks in advance, Jonathan