On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:45:50AM +0200, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Perhaps we could backport the braced filename support to the rest of web2c ...
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 08:31:04AM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
luatex also supports {some name}
According to the documentation braced filenames are supported for
fonts, see 2.7.11 "Font syntax":
\font\myfont = {cmr10}
But neither \input or \openin supports this syntax:
\openin0={abc def.tex}
\ifeof0 \msg{EOF}\else\msg{OK}\fi
\input{abc def.tex}
File 'abc def.tex' exists, but it isn't found (or other files without spaces
in their name). Result from 'luatex -ini':
! Too many }'s.
l.6 \openin0={abc def.tex}
! I can't find file `{abc'.
l.14 \input{abc
Please type another input file name:
Miss I something?
Generally braced file names would be a nice feature.
Yours sincerely