Hi, I have just uploaded the archives for a new luatex release, 0.44.0. There are not a lot of new features yet, but this releases fixes a fair amount of bugs found in 0.43.0 (and earlier versions). New features: * libpng is now 1.2.40. * hlist nodes now have a subtype to distinguish hlists generated by the paragraph breaking, explicit \hbox commands, and other (as-yet-undefined) sources. * \pdfobj now has an extra optional keyword: 'uncompressed', which forces the object to be written to the PDF in plain text (see the manual for the exact details). * The lua file from the luamd5 library (which provides the md5.hexsuma() function) is now embedded in the executable. Bug fixes: * \latelua now works in DVI mode again. * status.output_file_name could crash when used too soon. * In 0.43, rules were not output at all in DVI mode. * \leavevmode\penalty-10000\penalty-10000 crashed luatex. * the API of margin kern nodes to lua was using the wrong fields in the nodes. * A few fixes to the manual. * PDF Xref stream dicts were slightly non-conformant. * There was too much space between two consecutive math displays (this bug was inherited from Aleph) * Synctex was broken (thanks, Akira) * Font mark classes were handled incorrectly by the fontloader code. * There was a crash possible with certain types of named PDF destinations. * Math delimiters and large operators in new MATH fonts no longer apply the italic correction (this fixes placements of super- and subscripts on such items for those fonts). * The converter from lua strings to token lists (for the node interface) sometimes generated invalid tokens. * CFF (OpenType) fonts now listen to 'embedding="full"'. TTF is still todo. * Font tables with 'embedding="no"' would cause luatex to crash. * \pdfobj file {} failed to find the file if there was no lua callback in place. * An optimization in MS Mincho caused luatex to crash. The archives can be downloaded from supelec as usual: http://foundry.supelec.fr/gf/project/luatex/ You could also check out the sources via anonymous svn: svn co http://foundry.supelec.fr/svn/luatex/tags/beta-0.44.0 Bugs and feature requests can be added to the issue tracker at http://tracker.luatex.org Have fun, Taco