Hello suppose following testing file: ------------------- CM, intop+nolimits: $\intop\nolimits_0^1$ CM, intop directly: $\intop_0^1$ \ifx\directlua\undefined \else \input luafonts \fi \font\fA=[latinmodern-math]:mode=base;script=math;ssty=0; \font\fB=[latinmodern-math]:mode=base;script=math;ssty=1; at7pt \Umathchardef\intop="1"00"00222B \textfont0=\fA \scriptfont0=\fB LM, intop+nolimits $\intop\nolimits_0^1$ LM, intop directly $\intop_0^1$ \bye ------------------- The first two output lines print integral via classical PlainTeX setting with Coputer Modern fonts. We can see that there is no difference between \intop without \nolimits and with \nolimits. The following two output lines shows LatinModern-math Unicode font. First prints \intop with \nolimits, the result is with somewhat tightly spacing but it is not our problem. This is due to suboptimal font parameters. But the last line prints \intop without \nolimits and there is significantly difference: big space after \intop before limits. IMHO, it is a bug in LuaTeX. If we run the same testing file via XeTeX then there is no difference between third and last line of output. Petr Olsak