---- On Fri, 29 Mar 2019 08:13:19 +0100 luigi scarso
On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 10:55 PM Marcel Krüger
wrote: \let\3\relax \directlua{ texio.write'\3'% Only to be escaped characters -> valgrind complains about write into unallocated memory
for i=1,kpse.var_value'max_print_line'-3 do texio.write'.' end texio.write'\3' % Here LuaTex writes 2 and not just 1 byte after it's allocated memory area
for i=1,kpse.var_value'max_print_line'-1 do texio.write'.' end texio.write'\3' % The line break would fall inside of the escape sequence -> Line limit ignored for i=1,2*kpse.var_value'max_print_line' do texio.write'.' end % This should normally not fit into one line } \bye
How do you run valgrind ? Which version ? Do you compile luatex with standard -O2 ? -- luigi
My test were done with (Arch) Linux, Kernel 5.0.4-arch1-1-ARCH glibc 2.28-5 valgrind-3.14.0 The tests were done with a debug build (`./build.sh --debug`) a regular build (`./build.sh` w/o further options) and the current TeXLive pretest version.