I'm starting a Wiki with samples of Lua code. Any corrections or additions are welcome! Maybe we could also write down (minor) bugs we encounter, before we forget about them. Here is the URL: http://luatex.bluwiki.com It is a "Wikipedia-like" Wiki, in the sense that you can use some conventions from Wikipedia as well as HTML code. To create new pages, write their names between double brackets. To obtain a chapter/ section/subsection write its title between simple or double or triple equal signs. To obtain preformated code, enclose it between <pre> ... </pre> -- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Yannis Haralambous, Ph.D. yannis.haralambous@enst-bretagne.fr | | Professor http://omega.enstb.org/yannis | | Tel. +33 (0) | | Fax +33 (0) | | Computer Science Department | | Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne | | Technopole de Brest Iroise, CS 83818, 29238 Brest CEDEX 3, France | | Google-Earth coordinates: 48°21'31.57"N 4°34'16.76"W | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ...pour distinguer l'exterieur d'un aquarium, mieux vaut n'etre pas poisson ...the ball I threw while playing in the park has not yet reached the ground Es gab eine Zeit, wo ich nur ungern ueber Schubert sprechen, nur Naechtens den Baeumen und Sternen von ihm vorerzaehlen moegen.