On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 11:26 PM, Patrick Gundlach
<patrick@gundla.ch> wrote:
this looks very promising!!! I've been able to run a simple document with my publisher with it. Great.
Just a question: there seems to be a new bit library included, right? Is this documented anywhere? Is the library itself documented?
It has these functions:
bit = {
["rol"] = "function: builtin#71"
["rshift"] = "function: builtin#69"
["ror"] = "function: builtin#72"
["bswap"] = "function: builtin#67"
["bxor"] = "function: builtin#75"
["bor"] = "function: builtin#74"
["arshift"] = "function: builtin#70"
["bnot"] = "function: builtin#66"
["tobit"] = "function: builtin#65"
["lshift"] = "function: builtin#68"
["tohex"] = "function: builtin#76"
["band"] = "function: builtin#73"