Hi Hans
Here's the whole story:
function oneliner(head) local h = node.hpack(head) local d = tex.baselineskip.width - tex.nest[tex.nest.ptr].prevdepth - h.height tex.nest[tex.nest.ptr].prevdepth = h.depth tex.nest[tex.nest.ptr].prevgraf = 1 local n if d < tex.lineskiplimit then n = 1 d = tex.lineskip else n = 2 end local s = node.new("glue_spec") local n = node.new("glue",n) s.width = d n.spec = s return node.insert_before(h,h,n) end
-- the function also has to take care of adding proper skips -- before (and if needed after) and setting some parameters
I agree that this is what you need to do to get baselineskip etc being set. For my application it is not really necessary since I just want to get the paragrpah back as a single hline to be able to store it and thus am not at all interested in any of thoss. It makes sense to to set those parameters in any other situations (but then you could also think about taking out the inserts and vadjusts etc). However, I do not see you correcting the "tail" and if I understand it correctly that is something that can'T be done in "linebreak_filter" because the **wrong** setting is needed to find just_box the way the code currently works. So in my opinion the above is somehting that should be documented as part of the filter (that such values should be set by the routine) but the "tail" missing correction is in my opinion a bug and should be fixed in the code. So in my opinion the whole story (at the moment) also need to involve function fix_nest_tail (head) tex.nest[tex.nest.ptr].tail = node.tail(head) return true end callback.register("post_linebreak_filter",fix_nest_tail) cheers frank