Hi, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
In the process of looking into it now, I did find some unreliability in te i386 executable, which possibly stems from the same bug as your crash.
Here is something weird: 'my' bug was a problem that happened only in \pdfoutput=1 mode, and it was very easy to fix. Eythan, if you were testing in pdf mode, this is likely the cause of the crashes on amd64, and the latest trunk will fix it. If you had crashes in dvi mode, my fix will do nothing for you. I did run into something different that now needs to be resolved: The pdf bidi output internals are quite different from the dvi ones, and I now get the to-be-expected output "This andtaht" (no overprint), but only in pdf mode. In dvi mode, there is still overprint, as in Aleph. This confuses me a bit: I am now not sure which of the two outputs is 'officially' wrong. CC to Yannis, hoping he can tell me whether the dvi overprint is a bug or intended behaviour (I have attached the tex input and a pdf generated by Aleph). Best wishes, Taco