Hello, ** Ulrike Fischer [2012-04-11 09:13:09 +0200]:
Am Thu, 5 Apr 2012 13:57:05 +0900 schrieb Vladimir Lomov:
I've ran into subtle error when tried to run lualatex over source file for revtex4 or revtex4-1 class. Here is MWE:
This doesn't related with luatex either, please see http://tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2009-June/013520.html
Just try the following example document with either xelatex or lualatex (both would fail) and even pdflatex will: <file name="ex.ltx"> \documentclass{revtex4}
\begin{figure} This is a figure \end{figure}
\end{document} </file>
The 'fixltx2e' package is included by `fontspec-patches.sty', see e.g. http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/27872/revtex-4-1-fixltx2e-includegrap...
Unfortunately, fontspec uses `usepackage' so you can't call it using `RequirePackage'.
Sure he can.
\RequirePackage{fixltx2e} \documentclass{revtex4} ...
will work fine and solve the problem.
Yes, of course, but I wanted to minimize number of explicitly used packages. Also, the example with `\RequirePackage{fontspec}' before `\documentclass' showed the problem with `fontspec' (inconsistence in use of `RequirePackage' and `usepackage'; IMHO, packages should always use `RequirePackage'). --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- UNIX enhancements aren't.