Reinhard Kotucha wrote:
On 21 February 2010 Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
To make matters worse, 'svnversion' has a bad habit of returning something that is not a number at all, so it has to be parsed.
Now committed #3439. This is based on svnversion with a sed command to strip unwanted info and a preceding 'svn up' to make sure that svn agrees with itself.
There is one difference to the former script, though. Because no directory is specified, the revision number you get is the highest one of the whole repository. This means that it is increased also if you don't change anything in the source tree but update trunk/manual.
Right. I fixed this a little bit differently, though. getluatexsvnversion.sh now assumes it is run inside source/, so it has "svnversion -c .", and build.sh does (cd source; ./texk/web2c/luatexdir/getluatexsvnversion.sh ) I did it like this because I cannot test relative paths in build.sh myself (and those build.sh files have had those relative paths since day one, also in pdftex) Best wishes, Taco