You mean if I insert additional nodes inbetween? If I only modify the nodes themselves without touching the list, this should not be a problem anyway.
Shouldn't the subtype be "2"? In setion, bit 1 is used to denote a glyph, if I understand the manual correctly. Since I convert the character to a glyph in the font, this bit should be set afterwards.
I am somewhat in doubt about that. The manual and my coding practise do not quite agree on what the value really should be, but bit zero should definately be cleared (in fact, that is the only test made, right now). Probably, the best approach will be to clear bit zero here (just before ligaturing), and set bit one *after* both ligaturing and kerning have happened. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Also, in the manual the field is called "char", not "character". Which one is correct? (both?)
"char" is correct. Sorry, bad typing.
Anyway, now I have a place where to start. Still, I am a bit clueless on how to create an accented character node. Or do I have to insert another character node in the list containing the accent (i.e. '"' to create an 'รค' from an 'a')?
A virtual font would be easier, but: yes, you can do it that way.
How do I tell this new node to overlap the 'a'?
By adding some extra kerning around it, and/or tweaking the values of the "xoffset" and "yoffset" fields (the need for such node list manipulations is the main reason why a virtual font is easier). Best wishes, Taco