On Tue, Feb 1, 2022 at 2:25 PM Jérôme LAURENS <jerome.laurens@u-bourgogne.fr> wrote:
We can obtain the current lfs version by running

luatex '\directlua{tex.write(lfs._VERSION)}\bye' && open texput.pdf

luatex --fmt=plain  '\directlua{print(lfs._VERSION);}\bye'|grep LuaFileSystem
(if grep is available )

Then we must remove texput.pdf and texput.log.
This is a bit cumbersome.

It would be great if this information could be in the credits:

luatex --credits
luajittex --credits

we have several lua libs (lfs, socket, lpeg md5 ...); you can always make a script 

-- ver.lua


$>luatex --luaonly ver.lua

BTW, is lfs 1.8 planned in forthcoming? (1.7 does not play with windows very well)

hm could be. 
