Hi This week there's been a nice discussion on comp.text.tex that started in the context of LuaTeX. It was on the difference between embedding a scripting language in an application and extending a scripting language with a module written in a compiled language. One of the best parts, in my view, was Zeljko Vrba pointing out, in effect, that Postgres both embedded scripting languages and provided an interface that allowed it to be used as an extension to a scripting language. This provides a wonderful dual example. One of the participants asked: "What was the rationale behind choosing the embed route by the LuaTeX team?" We'd be delighted if posted an answer to this question to comp.text.tex. To help you find the c.t.t discussion, here's a URL: http://groups.google.co.uk/group/comp.text.tex/tree/browse_frm/thread/d352212826544c1d/fdf9f61e693cac27?rnum=111&_done=%2Fgroup%2Fcomp.text.tex%2Fbrowse_frm%2Fthread%2Fd352212826544c1d%2F9900cd1dca621b18%3F#doc_2f7883ecc8e560fb And here's a shorter one: http://groups.google.co.uk/group/comp.text.tex/search?hl=en&group=comp.text.tex&q=embed+or+extend&qt_g=Search+this+group with best regards Jonathan