Are there any ideas on how to extend TeX's syntax? More than nine parameters (if that is useful)? Parameter matching using regular expressions or Lua patterns? Optional parameters without having to use \futurelet (expandable, no fixed catcodes)?
As Hans said, this is low priority, but it would be simple to map simple lua functions to simple tex csnames.
Expanding on that: TeX's csnames could be represented in Lua as the table "tex.cs"; each entry either contains a TeX macro (a userdata type in Lua), a TeX primitive or a Lua function. "Calling" the cs inside TeX would then check its type and perform the appropriate action. That would do away with the need for a glue macro which is currently required for calling Lua functions from TeX (using \directlua).
Once inside a lua function, you could then call token.get_next() and possibly some other helpers to do more advanced stuff. There could well be a frontend to fetch the wanted arguments using something like a (fictional) token.match function.
Maybe: local optional if token.isnext("[") then optional = token.match("[", "]") else optional = "default value" end where token.match correctly handles characters with catcodes 1 and 2 (most likely braces).
We have not actually given this any thought yet, and the most important thing is therefore not coding, but coming up with a nice interface. Suggestions in that area are certainly welcome.
There was a paper a few years back on extending TeX that discussed this subject. I do not recall the name of the paper anymore, most likely it was a Tugboat article. I will look for it at home and post it if anyone is interested.
Best wishes, Taco