2010/9/14 taco
See forward. Can somebody try this with current versions and possibly report back to the reporter? I am at the ConTeXt meeting which makes working at bugs sort of problematic and besides, I do not really understand luaotfload all that well.
Thanks in advance, Taco
The following issue has been SUBMITTED. ====================================================================== http://tracker.luatex.org/view.php?id=481 ====================================================================== Reported By: luoyi Assigned To: ====================================================================== Project: luatex Issue ID: 481 Category: luatex bug Reproducibility: always Severity: major Priority: high Status: new ====================================================================== Date Submitted: 2010-09-14 10:52 CEST Last Modified: 2010-09-14 10:52 CEST ====================================================================== Summary: can't load chinese otf font correctly, always give "LuaTeX warning: lua-loaded font has no characters" Description: I'm using TL2010 with the latest luatex , and it looks like luatex can't load chinese otf font correctly. It always give error msg like" LuaTeX warning: lua-loaded font has no characters". hope we can solve it.
the tex file is:
\input {luaotfload.sty} \font\asong={AdobeSongStd-Light} at 10pt \asong women \bye
Now the LuaTeX/plain TeX can works with the latest beta. Because I have not the LaTeX enviroment, I just tested this example: \font\asong={AdobeSongStd-Light} at 10pt \asong 测试 \bye It can work. LuaTeX can find AdobeSongStd-Light.otf rightly and load it. -- Best regards, Li Yanrui (李延瑞)