Hi, Hans Hagen wrote:
(1) \luadef\cs
goal: starts an lua instance usage: \luadef\lua
Expect the primitive syntax to be more like the internals of \toksdef, so the toplevel user command would be \newlua. There is a catch though: I want to reserve one number for internal use (callback functions that handle C functionality, like finding files). Maybe 255, since Tex uses 255 for various things anyway. WDYT?
(3) \immediate\luacs
goal: feeds back into the token scanner (no need for scantokens, faster due to less parameter passing) usage: \immediate\lua{tex.print("$x$")}
This could be the normal behaviour of tex.print(), and if you do not want it, you could run \detokenize yourself. And we could have a separate function tex.write() for detokenized use.
further, taco and i discussed a lua extension using a variant of strings using 32 bit entries, partly for the unicode chars and partly for the \cs etc pointers so that we can do stringlike thinsg with token lists
I will write up some stuff about this later this week.
well, we discussed more, but i need to search my memory -)
Amongst other things, we also talked about a new way to load and use fonts: not letting TeX read .tfm and .vf files, but using a ruby library for the internal font loading. That library then has to return a table with a specified set of keys. That way, we could have reencoded and synthetic (virtual) fonts from all over the place without being tied to compiled code or font formats. Cheers, Taco