While the stack backtrace for code created using \directlua is now very readable, IMO the same cannot be said for code loaded via loadfile, at least when kpathsearch is involved. Then the stack backtrace contains the absolute path of each Lua file, making it quite a mouthfull.
But this could actually be useful, right?
Possibly, yes. Anyway, it is possible to shorten the file name in Lua, so no change is required in LuaTeX itself: function loadstring(file, chunkname) local f, e = io.open(file) if not f then return f, e end local contents = f:read("*a") f:close() return loadstring(contents, "@" .. (chunkname or file)) end (if the chunkname starts with "@", Lua thinks it is a file name when displaying it in a stack backtrace) Jonathan