Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Martin Schröder wrote:
2010/2/21 Taco Hoekwater
: The script is source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/getluatexsvnrevision.sh, and it is currently run from build.sh and from the tools/luatextag script. The latter is used to create the source tarballs.
This uses svn info with an URL, which is SLOW. Wouldn't svnversion be the better tool to use?
But that commmand only works if there is a local repository.
But it may be the only option, sigh. As Mojca just pointed out: svn info URL doesn't know whether the local revision even remotely matches the URL's current revision. To make matters worse, 'svnversion' has a bad habit of returning something that is not a number at all, so it has to be parsed. I remain convinced that this aspect of subversion is simply broken by design. Best wishes, Taco