Jonathan Sauer wrote:
Now, a few months and betas ago, assignments made inside Lua to tex.count et cetera were always global (see my posting on August 14th 2007 on this mailing list).
Actually that behaviour was a bug, not intended, not consistent. I changed it a little while after your posting so that is now obeys grouping. The rationale for picking grouped instead of global was that you could temporarily set tex.globaldefs=1 if you really needed global (note: that does not actually work either) The issue I had was trying to find a nice solution for tex.count[0] = 5 Now I just realized (this morning) that I could create a second virtual array named tex.globalcount[0] = 5 or some such. Your tex.setcount (0,5,true) proposal is fine, but the array access is so neat that I would like to keep it.
I would try my hand at a patch to implement this, but unfortunately, I cannot find the function prototype for set_tex_count_register. A
It is in luatex.web, just below get_tex_count_register.
- Modify
et.al. so that 'a' is no longer a constant local variable, but a parameter.
- In ltexlib.c, check for an optional boolean using
, then pass either zero (local/false) or four (global/true) as the third parameter to et.al.
- Add a call to @
in et.al. so that \globaldefs works correctly.
Sounds fine.
I'm not sure about the last point, though, since it would mean that TeX would influence Lua's behaviour.
It was supposed to, I simply forgot. Your web implementation proposal sounds fine, but before we do anything about extending the lua syntax, we have to think about those array accesses and the other tex internals, I think. The interface to the tex internals is still incomplete, and that is mostly because of syntax issues. It is fun that we can write tex.globalsdefs = 1 as an assignment instead of as a function call, and tex.count[0] = 5 as well, but many internal parameters are not interfaced yet because they are not so simple. The tricky bit is that I fear that some of the internals really require a functioncall instead of assignment, for example \parshape and \fontdimen.
Another thing: Setting an attribute using tex.attribute does not seem to add the attribute to nodes, contrary to setting it in TeX. Most ... And while we're at it: In luatex.wb line 27777,
help1("I'll pretend you didn't say \long or \outer or \global.");
Thanks, I will apply thse right away. Best wishes, Taco