Hello, I have a small experience in TeX (I wrote a plain TeX style for gregorian chant, http://home.gna.org/gregorio), and I am very interested in LuaTeX and all the features it will bring to the TeX world. For example LuaTeX allowed me to correct some very annoying bugs that happened sometimes in my style, and that couldn't be corrected in plain TeX. So thank you for you great job! It happens that I have some time now, and during next month. So I would be interested in helping you, especially for OTF integration in LuaTeX. For now I'm using the code present here http://luatex.bluwiki.com/go/Use_a_TrueType_font to deal with OTF, but it's not really satisfying (no ligatures for example). So if it is possible to help with an OTF engine like in XeTeX, I would be very happy to start it, or continue it. Please tell me how I should proceed! Thank you in advance, -- Elie