Can you do these in luatex as well?
Yes, but please give me some time. Let me first produce the document which explains TeX-e-Parsi's changes.
At first glance: From the pdf's I do
In fact I do not see something special. can you please explain the kind of things your engines can do and LuaTeX cannot do. Show examples and explain. In this way can developers (like Taco and Hans) to design these features in ConTeXt or LuaTeX.
Furthermore you all talk about LTR and RTL, but what about vertical typesetting, in the Chinese or in >the Mongolian way? Obviously TeX-e-Parsi doesn't care about that.
It's true. and I think Omega did not handle that well either. Moreover, XeTeX also has some problems. There are some very trivial problems in the footnote of a vertical typesetted paragraph and underlining a vertical typesetted word. So I think maybe we should incorporate some code from pTeX since pTeX can handle these cases quite well inasmuch as it is tested by Japanese users for years. (or design these algorithms). Yue Wang