Hi Taco!
First of all, thanks for the rework of the zzlib stuff, now it is easy
to compile luatex with external zlib libs/headers.
Now there is the wish that we compile luatex also with the external lua
(5.1) libs/headers.
Ok, I tried it, but it doesn't work. My first try on Debian was to
replace all references in the source code to
because the header files are found here in /usr/include/lua5.1
This worked out quite well (for luatex-api.c), but it stumbled at
where you try to load several header files which are NOT shipped in our
lua51 devel packages. I took a look into the original source and there
is written:
If you want to install Lua locally, then do "make local". This will
create directories bin, include, lib, man, and install Lua there as
bin: lua luac
include: lua.h luaconf.h lualib.h lauxlib.h lua.hpp
lib: liblua.a
man/man1: lua.1 luac.1
These are the only directories you need for development.
So it seems that you use more than they assumed to be useful.
Now the simple question: Do you plan to change this, is there a
realistic chance that this can be achieved?
(Note that is the start, next are all the other libs ;-)
In any case thanks a lot and all the best
Dr. Norbert Preining