28 Apr
28 Apr
8:02 a.m.
On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 7:58 AM Naveen M K
I had been trying to compile TexLive on MINGW compilers on Windows provided by MSYS2[0] project. See this PR[1]. It was only for i686-mingw. x86-64-mingw worked without any problems.
I found that there was Segmentation Fault(or crash) when running the `runscript.exe` the launchers which TexLive provides on Windows and I could see it uses LuaTeX. You can find the source here[2]. What is essentially does is calls the `texlua.exe` with `runscript.tlu` passed it in. I initially thought it was a problem with compiled version of the launcher itself, but it wasn't it, it was a problem with `texlua.exe`.
Thank you for the report, I will see it this weekend. -- luigi