TeX Live has a directory Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/base with some luatex documentation, more or less corresponding to /trunk/manual in the sources: https://foundry.supelec.fr/scm/viewvc.php/trunk/manual/?root=luatex Some questions: 1) Are the fdata_* files created by Hartmut some years ago still up to date? Update, remove? 2) For functionref* and luatexref*, should I take the files from svn now, or do they need more updates, or do they already refer to things that won't be in the luatex with TL'15? If one of you would like to update the TL directory, great, or please let me know what to take. Thanks, Karl P.S. Regarding luatex.man, it evidently needs updating. We have a slightly different version in TL:Build/source/texk/web2c/man/luatex.man, which at least updates the web2c/tl version each year, but I don't think we've touched the actual content, including the version number. If you want to maintain it, great, otherwise, I suppose you might as well remove it from your svn. (Personally, I find it a waste of time and effort to try to maintain separate man pages along with other doc. I think help2man is the way to go. But there is such a long history with the man pages for TeX itself and related, I can't bring myself to discard all that, even though they all desperately need updating. Sigh.)