luigi scarso wrote:
I'm newby on windows 7, but I would like to compile luatex with MingW32 -- and I need help .
Hi Luigi! Here's what I have under Windows Vista (1) I have MSYS installed under C:\msys\1.0\bin which I think is the default install location (2) The "bash shell" is run via the following batch file C:\msys\1.0\msys.bat -norxvt --- the install creates a shortcut to this and places it on your desktop (3) I have MinGW installed under c:\MinGW --- again, the default (4) Within MSYS there is a file called "fstab" located under c:\msys\1.0\etc\ You'll need to edit this to tell MSYS where things are --- a sort of mapping I guess. For example My directory c:/LuaTeX (source code) is mapped to /luatexbeta with a line in fstab like this c:/LuaTeX /luatexbeta so that when I run the "bash shell" I do cd /luatexbeta to go to the LuaTeX source code, which is updated by Tortoise SVN client (excellent + free) (5) From memory I recall that I had to manually install gcc/gdb into MinGW --- here: c:\MinGW\bin\ (I really can't recall if it was gcc or gdb (debugger) which I had to install) (6) To compile LuaTeX I start MSYS via the shortcut to the batch file -- as discussed above Then I type cd /luatexbeta and then all I do is type build.sh actually I do build.sh --nostrip to leave symbols in for debugging with gdb (7) Go and gab a coffee. Hope that helps Graham