24 Apr
24 Apr
12:32 p.m.
Hi Taco, While trying to cross-compile luatex from linux to win32 using mingw, I got a failure due to the --host setting not matching what is installed on my machine. I changed that in build.sh and got a second, but less serious error, about mingw32-strip no being found. I suggest the attached patch to build.sh to make cross-compilation more configurable. Hopefully, ./build.sh --mingw will continue to work were it used to, but the platforms will also be configurable with, eg ./build.sh --mingw --host=i586-mingw32msvc --build=x84_64-linux-gnu This command line works on my platform, but I couldn't test if just --mingw still works elsewhere, so you may want to test that on your machine. Thanks, Manuel.