Hi, please write add an issue in the luaotfload bug tracker (https://github.com/latex3/luaotfload/issues/new) for this and include a minimal example document, the full log file and the output of luaotfload-tool --list="familyname:*cambria*" --fields="plainname,fullpath,version" On Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 04:37:05PM +0100, Fabrice Popineau wrote:
Hi everybody,
I have this message showing up for some time now:
luaotfload | db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc); reason: Font "CambriaB.ttf" not found.
every time I compile the same file. This message is quite recent (TeXLive 2022 ?). It is also strange that I need to state explicitly :
\setmainfont{Cambria.otf}[ BoldFont=CambriaB.ttf, ItalicFont=CambriaI.ttf, BoldItalicFont=CambriaI.ttf, BoldItalicFeatures={RawFeature={embolden=5}} ]
These filenames seem odd. Are you sure that these are actually the names of the font files on your system? Best, Marcel