Taco Hoekwater
David Kastrup wrote:
Incidentally, I noticed that quite a few variables were renamed in LuaTeX as compared to the upstream tex.web (underscores added or removed).
I did that, I did it absolutely on purpose, it helped me catch a few bugs that went unnoticed *because of* tangle's underscore removal, and I do not care at all about the size of diff files.
Stupid question: would some of the following have helped? In particular the -strict option sounds helpful. File: web2c.info, Node: tangle invocation, Next: weave invocation, Up: WEB 8.1 Tangle: Translate WEB to Pascal =================================== Tangle creates a compilable Pascal program from a WEB source file (*note WEB::). Synopsis: tangle [OPTION]... WEBFILE[.web] [CHANGEFILE[.ch]] [...] `-length=NUMBER' The number of characters that are considered significant in an identifier. Whether underline characters are counted depends on the `-underline' option. The default value is 32, the original tangle used 7, but this proved too restrictive for use by Web2c. `-lowercase' `-mixedcase' `-uppercase' These options specify the case of identifiers in the output of tangle. If `-uppercase' (`-lowercase') is specified, tangle will convert all identfiers to uppercase (lowercase). The default is `-mixedcase', which specifies that the case will not be changed. `-underline' When this option is given, tangle does not strip underline characters from identifiers. `-loose' `-strict' These options specify how strict tangle must be when checking identifiers for equality. The default is `-loose', which means that tangle will follow the rules set by the case-smashing and underline options above. If `-strict' is set, then identifiers will always be stripped of underlines and converted to uppercase before checking whether they collide. -- David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum