Am Fri, 22 Mar 2019 19:48:46 +0100 schrieb Marcel Krüger:
The function actually exists but it is called `getstatus` instead of `status`.
Ah ;-)
And how I'm supposed to extract an object reference from a dictionary? There are commands getinteger, getstring but nothing that looks like a "getreference".
Normally you do need to do this, just use `getdictionary` etc. and references get resolved automatically. If you really need the reference,
Well I don't know if I need it. Actually I was trying to understand the working library by solving a simple task: get and print the /Rect values of all annotations on a page (so get the /Annot entry and from its array the object numbers and then the relevant key. I will try later if I get it from your code.
Do not try to print the reference object, the tostring helper is broken so it leads to a fatal Lua error. (It uses `%i`, but it would have to use `%d` to work.)
I already got an error involving %i, I'm glad it wasn't my fault ;-) -- Ulrike Fischer