Hi, I hope that this is the right place to ask this question. I am one of the author of XePersian ( a XeTeX package for typesetting Persian). We have to decided to write our package based on LuaTeX and call it LuaPersian. and we want to maintain and develop both packages at the same time so that the user have freedom in coice, either XeTeX or LuaTeX. As far as I know no latex package is still done for LuaTeX. so If I want to write my package in Lua, I have to do a considerable amount of extra work. My question is, is there any way that by some changes in fontspec package of XeTeX, that package would also work for LuaTeX? or we should be writing a new fontspec package for LuaTeX? I have heard that LuaTeX handles bidirectional texts, far better than XeTeX? is that correct? and also XeTeX allows you to have unicode maths characters, is LuaTeX currently support this feature? Thanks _________________________________________________________________ Are you a friend magnet? Play now to win prizes for you and your friends! http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/106906016/direct/01/?href=http://www.friendmagne...